There are plenty of business loans, and each one of them meets different needs, making the choice of the best loan a very confusing task. Before applying for a loan, you should first identify the company's financial needs, like how much and how long do you need to borrow, how quickly do you need the money, and the company's repayment ability; and then you have to compare the interest rates, type of loan(e.g. Instalment or revolving loan), loan term, repayment period, approval time and handling fees of various loans. Moreover, some banks have regular promotions to offer cash rebates and attractive interest rates, don't miss this opportunity if you hope to earn more. Please note that some loans require that the company should be operating and registered in Hong Kong for at least one year and have good loan repayment record.
Articles in this section
- What are Loans?
- What are the Personal Loans? How are they different from other consumer loans?
- What are the types of Personal Loans Available in Hong Kong?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?
- How is the Maximum Personal Loan Amount Calculated?
- How should I compute Total Interest Amount?
- How long does it take to process my personal loan applications?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?