Before applying for a loan, it helps to first estimate the maximum loan amount you can borrow. While banks often have their own distinct standards of loan eligibility, they tend to use the same range of data to calculate how much they can lend you, which include your monthly income, repayment terms and interest rates.
Articles in this section
- What are Loans?
- What are the Personal Loans? How are they different from other consumer loans?
- What are the types of Personal Loans Available in Hong Kong?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?
- How is the Maximum Personal Loan Amount Calculated?
- How should I compute Total Interest Amount?
- How long does it take to process my personal loan applications?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?