In addition to late penalties, many banks also charge early settlement fees, or you may even have to pay extra penalty interest and return cash rebates. As a result, if you want to pay off loans early, you should contact your bank and check the amount of principal you have repaid to avoid financial loss.
Articles in this section
- What are Loans?
- What are the Personal Loans? How are they different from other consumer loans?
- What are the types of Personal Loans Available in Hong Kong?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- Why do I need a Personal Loan? How Much Should I Borrow?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?
- How is the Maximum Personal Loan Amount Calculated?
- How should I compute Total Interest Amount?
- How long does it take to process my personal loan applications?
- What do I need to make a successful Personal Loan Application?